Healthy eggs from grass-eating, bug-chasing birds are an exceptionally good food source.
Eggs are a great source of protein, containing all 9 essential amino acids. The yolks are one of the best dietary sources of Vitamin D, A, and E in the food chain. Additionally, they are a great source of selenium and other minerals.

My chickens have determined that Spring is as good as here and laying has commenced after a short winter break. They have been busy these winter months; tilling the garden, making pine needle hummocks all over my yard, and mining the floor of the barn for hay seed.
I made an omelette last week and it was practically neon orange from all the carotenoids.
Research indicates that regular egg consumption improves brain health, decreases risk of stroke by 12%, and is good for your eyes!
The old myth about this wholesome food driving up cholesterol and causing heart disease is just that…a myth. No research supports such claims, in fact, quite the opposite.
So, Happy Spring and Eat Your Eggs!! (2-4/day is just fine!)