Detox Resources


Week 1 Resources

The following are resources for Week 1 of your purification program.

  • Adjuncts to the program to help you detoxify 
  • Castor Oil Packs
  • Detoxification Bath
  • Dry Skin Brushing
  • Coffee Enema Instructions 
  • Recipes for Week 1
  • Local Food Resources

Adjuncts to the program to help you detoxify

  • Massage:  If possible, get weekly massages during this time.  Especially lymphatic massages.
  • Although this is not a required part of the program, it will facilitate a better cleanse by flushing the lymphatic system. Our massage therapists are excellent and will take great care of you.
  • Sauna:  Saunas help you to detox through the skin.  They would be helpful during this
  • program. Make sure to stay hydrated – drink extra water. Don’t stay in too long.
  • Colonics or Enemas:  These help speed the elimination of toxins from the body.
  • Colonics are “high enemas”, done by a technician. Coffee enemas are just that. Enemas using body- temperature coffee.  Coffee enemas are particularly great for purging the liver and gallbladder.  If you are interested in doing some enemas see the attached enema instructions.
  • Baths:  Detox baths help speed the elimination of toxins through the skin. There are special
  • salts found at the health food store called “Detox Bath”, or you can use Epsom salts, special bath clays or powdered ginger.  Attached is a detox bath recipe for your use.
  • Dry Skin Brushing:  An excellent adjunct to the cleanse. Dry skin brushing helps remove the
  • old dried waxes from lotions and soaps off your skin, as well as remove dead cells. This assists the body in removing toxins through the skin and helps the body’s natural oils come to the surface.  Attached are directions on dry skin brushing.
  • A Still Mind:  Prayer, meditation and relaxation are an important part of your general
  • wellbeing. Learning to still the mind and the body have healing effects that go beyond the physical body. Very helpful during this time and for your future health as well.
  • Fun:  Try during this time to include fun activities. Try consciously to bring fun back into
  • your life. Try some new fun activities.

Castor Oil Packs

A castor oil pack is an external application of castor oil. A piece of wool flannel is saturated in castor oil and applied to the abdomen with a heating pad. The Cayce readings recommend castor oil packs to improve assimilations, eliminations and circulation (especially of the lymphatic system).  Although this therapy may seem unusual, it is one of the best documented of the Cayce therapies. Dr. William McGarey has applied castor oil packs to treat many conditions.

Castor oil has a long history of traditional medical use dating back to ancient Egypt. Derived from the castor bean (Ricinus communis), the oil was once used internally as a laxative but is now primarily used externally due to its potential toxicity.

Castor oil packs are used on the skin to increase circulation and to promote elimination and healing of the tissues and organs underneath the skin. They are also used to stimulate the liver, relieve pain, increase lymphatic circulation, reduce inflammation, and improve digestion.

How to Make a Castor Oil Pack


  • A soft, clean, thick material like flannel, wool, or cotton (organic is best)
  • Castor oil
  • A glass bowl or glass jar that you can pour the castor oil in over your flannel
  • A hot water bottle or heating pad
  • Old clothes that you don’t mind getting stained since castor oil stains fabric
  • A plastic bag (I find kitchen or regular garbage bags work best)
  • A large towel


  1. Put on your older clothes.
  2. Take your piece of flannel and place it in your bowl or glass container and pour enough castor oil over it to soak it (make sure it’s saturated, but it doesn’t need to be dripping in oil).
  3. Get your hot water bottle or heating pad ready.
  4. Place your towel on a flat surface (either a couch, your bed, or the floor). For added protection you can also put down a garbage bag so that your bed or couch won’t get stained from any oil that manages to escape the plastic cover.
  5. Once you lie down, place your saturated flannel over the affected area of your body.
  6. Cover the pack with plastic.
  7. Place the heating pad or hot water bottle over the pack and let it sit for at least 45-60 minutes. During this time you can rest or read a book.
  8. When the time is up, remove the pack and clean the area with water and a bit of baking soda.
  9. You can keep the pack in a plastic bag in a cool place or the refrigerator. I keep mine in a sealed glass jar in one of my kitchen cabinets. Just add another tablespoon of castor oil for the next session.

Serious chronic cases have to do this twice a day for a few days, then cut to once a day, then a few times a week, then once a week and the liver and gallbladder and kidneys all get strong and after a few months no treatments are required, no stones are produced. Use the pack for 3 days in a row. Then take a break for 4 days, and repeat.

For Acute Cases: If it is known that there is a critically high degree of toxicity in the body, or a significant difficulty in eliminating toxins (such as with kidney failure), then it is best if the packs are used on alternating days for the first week. After that, usually the packs may be used on consecutive days from that point on.

Detoxification Bath

Under hot bath water combine and dissolve:

  • ½ cup of baking soda
  • ½ cup of sea salt
  • OR 1 cup Epsom Salts

Before soaking in the above detox bath, dry skin brush. Then get in the tub and soak for 15-20 minutes.  If unable to dry skin brush, scrub the skin very gently with a natural fiber. Within a few minutes the water will turn murky and “dirty”. The darkness to the water is heavy metals coming out of the skin (aluminum and mercury).  The whiteness in the water is old waxes and dead skin cells. Do this 1-3 times per week during detox and once a month for maintenance.

Dry Skin Brushing

As the largest eliminative organ, the skin plays a vital role in ridding the body of toxins. As part of the Clinical Purification process, dry skin brushing is a great adjunct for opening up the pores of the skin and supporting lymphatic cleansing. The pores get clogged with dead cells and waxes from soaps and lotions. When the lymphatic system is cleansed, the body is able to carry out  the function of eliminating toxins and waste material. This also helps the body’s natural oils resurface to the skin.

How to Skin Brush

It is important to practice dry skin brushing every day during the Clinical Purification process.  The best time to dry skin brush is upon rising, prior to showering, when the skin is completely dry.  If you wait until after taking a shower it will cause too much delicate skin to be removed and defeat the purpose. The key here is to do it before the shower. The brush, which must be completely dry, is a natural vegetable-bristle brush or loofah. Begin by gently brushing with one-stroke movements.  If the skin reddens, the patient is brushing too hard. The basic principle is to brush from the outermost points of one’s body (hands and feet) towards the center.  Start by brushing from the feet to the abdomen, then from the hands up to the arms towards the heart.  Brush across the upper back and down the front and back of the torso. One should aim to cover the entire surface of the skin. The process takes between three and five minutes to complete.

  • Start at the toes, one stroke, up front of legs, up torso, towards the heart.
  • From the heels, up back of legs, up across buttocks, up back to between the shoulder blades. Up outside of feet, up outside of legs, up to armpits.
  • Up inside of feet, up legs, to groin.
  • From top of fingertips, up outside of arms, up to shoulders, to the top of the shoulders, then down towards heart.
  • From palm side of fingertips, up inside of arms, up to armpits.
  • Use a cosmetic loofah for the face.  Stroke down towards the heart.

Coffee Enema Instructions

Warning:  Do not attempt this after 2:00 pm!!  It may keep you awake!

Make 1 quart of coffee as you would normally make it. Preferably, use of organically grown coffee is suggested.  (Do not use decaffeinated coffee.) .

* Use just 3 tablespoons of ground coffee.  Cool it to just above body temperature.

While it is cooling, take one of two clear water enemas,  (just above body temperature). If needed take a 3rd.  You know it is sufficient after you can comfortably hold about 2 cups of water for five minutes.


  • If possible, do this on a slant board (feet 6″-­? 18″ higher than head, body straight).
  • Lie on your left side (ride side up) left leg straight, right leg pulled up. Use Vaseline on the tip of the enema nozzle. Place the nozzle in the rectum as far as it can comfortably go.  Do not force. Also, you must be very relaxed or it may hurt to insert it, especially if you have hemorrhoids.
  • Stay relaxed.  Release the control valve, slowly allowing the fluid to flow into your colon. Raise the bag higher for faster flow; lower the bag to slow down the flow. Do not lower the bag below body level, or the contents of your colon will flow back into the bag itself.
  • Relax.  If possible, add more fluid. You may feel distended and tingling sensations in your abdominal region.  This is normal. Once you have been able to hold all you can, roll over on to your back. Massage your abdomen. Try to stay in this position for 10 minutes (15 is even better). If you feel the urge to expel the fluids, take some slow, deep breaths and really relax, the sensation will generally ease within 60 seconds.
  • After 10 minutes on your back, roll over to your right side.  Massage some
  • more.  This is the position that is most important in the coffee enema.  Relax.  Take
  • advantage of some deep slow breathing.
  • When the hepatic duct opens to flush its contents, you may feel suddenly “shocky;”  possibly experiencing cold sweats, clammy, or nauseousness. This is normal, and will pass within minutes. Get up slowly!!  If you get up too fast, you may get lightheaded and pass out.
  • Empty the contents of your colon, massaging your abdomen as it is released.

Healthy Alternatives




  • Vitamyr Toothpaste (available at the office)

Laundry Soap

Dish Soap/House Cleaners



Week 2 Resources

The following are resources for Week 2 of your purification program.

DDT (pesticide, flame retardant)

  • Health Risks: Increased risk of pre-term infants, increased infant mortality, decreases duration of lactation, infertility, low normal IQ scores, poorer reading comprehension, memory and attention issues.
  • Sources: They enter the food chain, then enter our bodies through ingestion, inhalation, or absorption. In breast milk it is found at levels 10 to 100 times higher than those previously detected in European women.
  • Banned: Yes, in U.S., however, not in other countries and finds its way back into our food chain due to use on imported produce.

PCB’s (polychlorinated biphenyls)

  • Health Risks: Cancer, weakened immune response, adverse effects on the reproductive system, cardiovascular system, nervous system (especially neuropathy and brain damage), endocrine system (especially the thyroid and sex hormones), and contributes to birth defects and other health effects.
  • Sources: Electrical wiring, industrial insulators, lubricants, fire retardants, hydraulic fluids and many other commercial/industrial applications, ingested through fish and sea foods (especially farmed salmon). Takes 7-10 years of abstinence to eliminate 50% out of our fat.
  • Banned: yes, however, bio-accumulation is still occurring due to ingestion of sea food.

BFR’s (Brominated Flame Retardants)

  • Health Risks: Hormone disrupter, causes cancer and reproductive and developmental disorders. They particularly damage the thyroid and it’s control in brain development. Neurodevelopmental disorders, learning disabilities, and behavior problems have been associated with BFR’s
  • Sources: Fire retardants in upholstered furniture, mattresses, curtains, carpets and electronics. They are highly persistent and bioaccumulative.
  • Banned: Starting in 2008 it may be banned only provided a safer and cheaper alternative is found.

CFCs (Chlorofluorocarbons)(- Freon)

  • Health Risks: Direct exposure to some types of CFCs can cause frostbite, unconsciousness, shortness of breath,  and irregular heartbeat. Indirect exposure can cause confusion, drowsiness, coughing, sore throat, difficulty breathing, and eye redness and pain.
  • Sources: aerosols, refrigerators, air conditioners in homes, vehicles and businesses, fire extinguishers, insulating foams, styrofoam food packaging, and cleaning and electronic solvents. CFCs are still used in inhalers to control asthma.
  • Banned: yes, except asthma inhaler

Dieldrin (pesticide)

  • Health Risks: Carcinogen, reduced immune function, in animals it effects their nervous system, and reproduction by damaging the sperm.
  • Sources: Mostly fish (especially farmed salmon), meat and dairy products. Was used on cotton, corn, citrus crops and was carried by insects.
  • Banned: yes, but is highly persistent in the environment.

Dioxins (chlorine, bleaching agent)

  • Health Risks: Carcinogenic, toxic to fetal endocrine system, reproductive and developmental defects, it alters immune function, disrupts endocrine system.
  • Sources: Dioxin and dioxin-like compounds are byproducts of high-temperature industrial and waste treatment and disposal processes, especially the burning of chemicals that contain chlorine and incineration.  Found in PVC production, paper bleaching, metal smelting and a variety of other manufacturing processes. They accumulate in the fatty tissues of animals. Especially found in meat, milk and fish. Especially farmed salmon.
  • Banned: No. Even if they do, dioxin and dioxin-like compounds persist in the environment for decades.

Mercury (dental amalgams, fluorescents)

  • Health Risks: Most toxic substance known. Developmental toxin, and it is also a suspected hormone disruptor, neurotoxin, reproductive toxin and respiratory toxin.
  • Sources: Dental amalgam coal-fired power plant emissions and emissions from mining and manufacturing processes, as well as mercury-containing products, such as thermometers, batteries, and fluorescent light tubes. When inorganic mercury enters the air from these human sources it is then deposited in soil and water, where micro organisms transform inorganic mercury into organic mercury compounds, such as methylmercury. Methylmercury can bioaccumulate in the fatty tissues of living organisms, particularly fish living in polluted waters, and the people who then eat those fish.
  • Banned: No.

PERC (Perchloroethylene)

  • Health Risks: Adverse health effects on the nervous system, can irritate the skin, eyes, nose and throat. Long term exposure to PERC can cause liver and kidney damage. Carcinogen
  • Sources: Dry cleaning, typewriter correction fluid and shoe polish
  • Banned: In California and New Jersey

PFO’s (Perfluorinated chemicals)

  • Health Risks: Carcinogenic, hormone disrupters.
  • Sources: Stain repellent on clothing and other fabric products, such as carpets. Used in food packaging,
  • especially fast food and microwave popcorn bags, used to make Goretex and Teflon products, such as non-stick cookware.
  • Banned: No. Extremely persistent in environment.

OP’s (Organochlorine Pesticides) Malathion is one of them.

  • Health Risks: cancer, skeletal abnormalities and reproductive (reduced fertility), neurological (known neurotoxins) and immune system damage.
  • Sources: pesticides, insecticides, fungicides and other chemical treatments used in agriculture, lawn care and for the treatment of pests such as mosquitoes and moths. Mainly used on agricultural crops—on our fruits and vegetables.
  • Banned: No. are highly toxic and persistent in the environment.

Phthalates (plasticizing additives)

  • Health Risks: disrupt hormones, and can cause birth defects of male reproductive organs.
  • Sources: plasticizing additives, cosmetic and personal care products, PVC consumer products and construction materials. Found in drinking water, soil, household dust, wildlife, fatty foods (meat and dairy products) and synthetic fragrances.
  •  Banned: No. Relatively persistent in the environment.

PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride), a.k.a Vinyl

  • Health Risks: disrupts hormones, leadsto birth defects of male reproductive organs, carcinogenic
  • Sources: pipes, flooring, and wiring, plastic bottles and containers, baby bottles, toys, records and clothes.
  • Banned: No. In wide use today. Manufacturing of PVC releases dioxins and phthalates.

Toxaphene (pesticide)

  • Health Risks: Carcinogen, damages the lungs, nervous system and kidneys, adrenals, immune system and even death. In animals it affects the development during utero.
  • Sources: Fish, drinking water. Replaced DDT until 1982. Used in agriculture, especially on cotton, cereal grains, fruits, nuts, and vegetables. It was also used to control ticks and mites in livestock and to kill unwanted fish species in lakes.
  • Banned: Yes. But persists in the environment.

Triclosan (antimicrobial/antibacterial)

  • Health Risks: Despite data demonstrating that antibacterials do not provide antibacterial protection any better than soap and water, it is used more and more widely. It has instead shown to weaken the immune system contributing to asthma and allergies, disrupts hormones, accumulates in the body, and causes cancer.
  • Sources: toothpastes and mouthwashes, deodorants, cosmetics, fabrics, plastics and other products
  • Banned: No.

VOCs (Volatile and Semi-volatile organic compounds)

  • Health Risks: Carcinogenic and a neurotoxin, damage to reproductive, neurological and respiratory systems, birth
  • defects, impaired kidney and liver function have all been associated with VOC’s. Damages DNA, contributes to
  • dementia, foggy thinking, fatigue, cardiovascular effects.
  • Sources: paints, varnishes, paint stripping products, and adhesives. VOCs are one of the building blocks of smog. Banned: Only in cosmetics, only in Europe.


  • These are chemicals which are found in an organism but which are not normally produced or expected to be present in it.
  • Health Risks: Disrupts hormones, interferes with healthy flora.
  • Sources: These chemicals generally include pollutants but can also include drugs such as antibiotics. Taken up by fish and transferred to humans.
  • Banned: No. They are everywhere.

Xenohormones hormone mimickers found abnormally in the human body.

  • Health Risks: Profound effect on hormonal balance. Reproductive abnormalities – especially cancers of reproductive tract, infertility and low sperm count. Inability for the liver to properly detoxify – to keep up with the demand.
  • Sources: meats, dairy products, commercially grown fruits and vegetables (grown with chemicals such as pesticides and herbicides), fuels, plastics, cooking with plastic, styrofoam, petrochemicals such as hair spray, candles,  room deodorizers, colognes, etc. Also from hormone replacement therapy and birth control pills.
  • Banned: No. They are everywhere.


  • Paraffin wax is refined gasoline!
  • Emits 11 toxins, 2 of which are carcinogens (benzene and toluene)
  • Also contains methyl ethyl ketone (MEK), and naphthalene – substances also found in paint, lacquer and varnish remover.
  • Soot from paraffin candles contains many of the same toxins found in diesel fuel.  Also is as dangerous to the lungs as second-hand smoke.
  • Wicks contain lead (helps them stand up straighter)
  • Gel candles are petroleum based or made from synthetic hydrocarbons. They also contain other toxins.

Healthy Alternatives



  • Veleda Sage Deordorant (Online or any health food store)
  • The Crystal (Online or any health food store)


  • Vitamyr Toothpaste (available at the office)

Laundry Soap

Dish Soap/House Cleaners



Week 3 Resources

The following are resources for Week 3 of your purification program.

  • Sugar is Killing Us! © Holly A. Carling, O.M.D., L.Ac., Ph.D.
  • Links on metabolic effects of sweeters
  • Educational Videos
  • Recipes for Week 3
  • Local Food Resources

Sugar is Killing Us! © Holly A. Carling, O.M.D., L.Ac., Ph.D.

Sugar harms your health in many ways.  Most people know this, yet few control the intake of it. Worse yet, they are given to children in greater and greater quantities.  An example is soda pop: more than a quarter of all drinks consumed in the United States is soda. More than 15 billion gallons were sold in 2000 and that number is rising every year.  That means every man, woman and child consumes at least one 12-ounce can per day.  Obviously not everyone consumes sodas – many people drink more than their share!

In one study it was found that that 56% of 8 year olds consume sodas daily and at least 30% of teenage boys drink greater than 3 cans per day. Sixty percent of all public and private high schools and middle schools have vending machines or otherwise sell sodas to the kids.  Carbonated soda pop provides more added sugar in the diet than cookies, candies and ice cream combined.  This has resulted in an increase in obesity, tooth decay, weakened bones and caffeine dependence in our children.  For every daily serving of soda consumed the risk of obesity increases 1.6 times.  Researchers found that kids that drink sodas consume almost 200 more calories per day than kids who do not. Sugar and corn syrup from soft drinks, juices and the copious teas and sports drinks now supply more than 10 percent of our total calories.

We have turned into a nation that has replaced real foods (such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, whole grains and meats) with carbohydrates that are refined and treated by the body no differently than eating a cookie!  Fat, fiber and protein slow the rate carbohydrates enter the blood stream. This prevents a sudden rise in insulin levels, with a subsequent drop thereafter.  Refined carbohydrates (also known as “white trash”) such as cereals, pasta, potatoes, white rice, breads and other refined grains contain virtually no nutrients. We are feeding our bodies empty calories, and then wonder why we have so many diseases!

Grain consumption, especially refined grains, has increased almost 60 pounds per person, and caloric sweeteners (primarily high-fructose corn syrup) by 30 pounds. We consume more total calories (up to 400 more) each day since the government started recommending low-fat diets.  Most people don’t realize that “low fat” foods contain more sugar, and “diet” foods contain either high fat or artificial sweeteners.

Sugar harms the body in many ways: it suppresses the immune system immediately and takes 3 days to recover.  It can cause a rapid rise in adrenaline, hyperactivity, anxiety, difficulty concentrating and crankiness in children. It weakens eyesight, contributes to gallstones and appendicitis, and suppresses calcium absorption in the bones (in fact, soda is now considered the number one contributor to osteoporosis).  Sugar can cause many problems with digestion, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, and many other bowel diseases.  It interferes with protein absorption, impairs DNA structure, makes your skin age more quickly, reduces learning capacity, increases hormonal imbalance, weakens the adrenal glands (which makes you fatigued), increases emotional instability, causes high blood pressure in obese individuals, induces cell death, feeds cancer cells, contributes to PMS, causes a rise in cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood…..and the list goes on. This is in addition to the already recognizable causes such as obesity, diabetes, and tooth decay.

All of this is accentuated if your body does not handle blood sugar well. Blood sugar is managed primarily by the liver, adrenals and pancreas.  A weakness in one of those glands results in a weakness in how the body responds to sugar. The more sugar consumed, the worse the condition.

Eating foods rich in minerals (such as spinach, beet greens, collards, swiss chard, kale, and broccoli) assist the organs in managing blood sugar. They also help to control sugar cravings. Much of the time, the use of “green” mineral supplements is also needed.  Greens such as kelp, alfalfa, spirulina and others, tableted, are good sources of complex minerals.

The gist of the glycemic-index idea is that the longer it takes the carbohydrates to be digested, the lesser the impact on blood sugar and insulin and the healthier the food. Those foods with the highest rating on the glycemic index are some simple sugars, starches and anything made from flour.

Green vegetables, beans and whole grains cause a much slower rise in blood sugar because they have fiber, a non-digestible carbohydrate, which slows down digestion and lowers the glycemic index. Protein and fat serve the same purpose, which implies that eating fat can be beneficial, a notion that is still unacceptable. And the glycemic-index concept implies that a primary cause of Syndrome X, heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and obesity is the long-term damage caused by the repeated surges of insulin that come from eating starches and refined carbohydrates. This suggests a kind of unified field theory for these chronic diseases, but not one that coexists easily with the low-fat doctrine.

Overwhelmingly, as evidenced by thousands of patients in my clinic, the main culprits behind weight gain are grains and sugars. High-carbohydrate foods like bread, grains, cereal, potatoes, fruit and sugar are converted to glucose (sugar) in the body. When your body can’t burn off this sugar, it accumulates in the blood, causing your blood sugar level to rise. In response to this, insulin is released to break down the sugar and store it.

Your body will actually increase its output of insulin to compensate for the higher blood sugar levels. Over time this causes progressively increasing levels of insulin and resistance to the effects of insulin.

Insulin resistance is one of the fundamental mechanisms behind aging and all of its related diseases, including obesity as well as cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, diabetes, cancer and autoimmune diseases.

When I explain the clinical basis of why grains and sugars are the driving force behind weight gain. But why is the vitamin C not working? Vitamin C is made in almost all living mammals except humans and a couple of other species. Vitamin C is made directly from glucose and actually has a similar structure; they compete for one another.

It has been known for many decades that sugar depresses the immune system. It was only in the 70s that they found out that vitamin C was needed by white blood cells so that they could phagocytize bacteria and viruses. White blood cells require a fifty times higher concentration, at least inside the cell as outside, so they have to accumulate vitamin C.

There is something called a phagocytic index, which tells you how rapidly a particular macrophage or lymphocyte can gobble up a virus, bacteria or cancer cell. In the 70s Linus Pauling knew that white blood cells needed a high dose of vitamin C and that is when he came up with his theory that you need high doses of vitamin C to combat the common cold.

But if we know that vitamin C and glucose have similar chemical structure, what happens when sugar levels go up? They compete for one another upon entering the cells. And the thing that mediates the entry of vitamin C into the cells is the same thing that mediates the entry of glucose into the cells. If there is more glucose around then less vitamin C will be allowed into the cell, and it doesn’t take much glucose to have this effect. A blood sugar value of 120 reduces the phagocytic index 75 percent.

Links on metabolic effects of sweeters

  • Effects of articial sweetners – click here
  • Artificial Sweeteners Cause Greater Weight Gain than Sugar, Yet Another Study Reveals – click here

Educational videos

Nancy Appleton PHD

 Dr. Robert Lustig MD

Grassfed meat is:

* Healthy for people. Grassfed meat is lean, contains a high percentage of good fats – Omega 3s and CLA — and beneficial antioxidant vitamins and minerals.

* Healthy for animals. Cattle, goats, sheep, and bison evolved to eat grass and not much else. Feeding them a diet rich in grains creates an acidic environment in their digestive systems, leading to disease and the need for treatment with antibiotics.

* Healthy for the planet.  Pasture-based farming restores natural ecosystems and wildlife habitat, reduces reliance on petrochemicals, improves the soil with organic matter, and reduces greenhouse gases.

* Healthy for communities. Small family farms provide jobs and strong economies in rural communities and create sustainable businesses for succeeding generations.


Week 4 Resources

The following are resources for Week 4 of your purification program.

Our Amazing Body! ©2007 Dr. Holly A. Carling

Daily, we are building a new body.  Our bodies break down ongoingly, and providing the raw materials are present, it also rebuilds itself ongoingly.  In fact, the body is broken down at a rate of 24 billion cells per day.  Hopefully, 24 billion cells are re-made every day. What happens when it’s not?   If one day the body is short 100,000 cells out of this 24 billion, is it going to function okay? Yes it will.  But what if that happens every day – day in and day out for months or years? “Degeneration” is when we break down faster than we rebuild.  Does that loss of a few hundred thousand cells at a time begin to have a negative effect?  Yes. Will chemicals help solve those problems?  Can you use chemicals to build a healthy, plump, biologically active cell? Not a chance! So using synthetic vitamins may give a quick fix (symptomatic relief), but it is doing nothing for building the body up.

I want you to really pay attention to the following.  Written by Dr. Judith DeCava (with a few contributions by Janet Lang and Ron Lagerquist (author of The American Diet), this describes the importance, absolute necessity and the immenseness of our job in nourishing our bodies in order to heal.

Since Dr Judith DeCava and the others wrote about this more eloquently than I can, I will quote them directly.

“Humans cannot break the laws of Nature. They can only break themselves against these laws.  Consider the human body and the natural laws that determine how the cells are nourished.

The body is composed of between 80 and 100 trillion cells. Approximately two billion cells must be replaced every hour – 24 billion cells a day. A section of skin the size of a quarter, 1/20th of an inch thick, contains: over 3 million cells, 36 inches of blood vessels, 144 inches (4 yards) of nerves, 1,300 nerve cells, and 100 sweat glands.”  Ron Lagerquist adds “the  DNA of the smallest cell contains 1,012 bits of information, the equivalent of 100 million encyclopedias”.

Lang: “Each  cell contains 300 to 800 “power plants” – mitochondria. Each mitochondrion in liver cells has about 5,000 respiratory units; in heart cells about 20,000 respiratory units.  The body contains over 1,600 types of protein, each made of a different number and combination of about 20 to 22 amino acids. Enzymes are one type of protein.

Lagerquist: “About 5,000 different enzymes have been identified so far. Some researchers have estimated that it takes about 100,000 enzymes to run the body. Lang: “Every biochemical reaction depends upon a chemical response triggered and controlled by a specific enzyme system. Each cell must contain from 50,000 to 100,000 of these enzyme systems ready to go to work in a millionth of a second.”

Neurons [are] humming with activity – networking, processing, acting with lightning speed to interpret the messages from the sense organs.  The tongue, alone, has 9,000 taste buds. Each bud is a tiny receptor cell that sends messages to the brain in order to analyze and identify food.”

A quantity of information equal to 100 billion bits can be stored in the memory, equal to 500 sets of encyclopedias.  The brain has 100 billion neurons and 100 trillion connectors for memory alone.”

“So far we have discovered 3,000 psychoactive chemicals allowing the brain to react to outside stimulus. More than fifty psychoactive substances are produced by the brain that activates aggression, sedation and memory. The brain can function at a rate of over 100,000 chemical reactions per second.

“One B Lymphocyte can pump out more than 10 million antibody molecules an hour!  The immune system has the unimaginable ability of creating 1,920,000 different types of antibody constructions.”

“The circulatory system is 60,000 miles long.  The kidneys alone contain 500 miles of internal plumbing. The lungs contain 300 billion capillaries.  Each blood cell encircles the body up to 300,000 times in a period of 120 days.  For every pound of fat, your body has to supply an extra 200 miles of blood capillaries.  Ninety-eight enzymes have been found in the arteries [alone].”

80% of absorption occurs through the microvilli.  The intestinal wall contains over 4,000,000 microvilli. For a nutrient to pass through the membrane of a cell, it must be less than 44,000,000,000th of an ounce.  [Digestion is critical in order to accomplish this feat!

Lang: “If you laid all the cell membranes of one body flat, end to end it would cover the distance of 8 football fields!  If you were to line up your capillaries end to end it would encircle the earth, at the equator, 2 ½ times!”

“To carry on the life process, each of the 80 to 100 trillion cells must digest constructive food, excrete wastes, repair itself, and carry on other essential functions. Every cell requires all the known and unknown elements of nutrition.

Janet Lang adds “Do you think we need some major rebuilding materials?”

Judith DeCava: “Nutrients in foods are highly synergistic interactive complexes. Synergy means that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, that the relationship which the parts have to each other is the most catalytic, most empowering, most unifying, most functional or effective part. Synergy means that 1 + 1 may equal 8, 24, or even 1,600. Synergistic function produces more and better results than any action of any part separated from the whole.

Perhaps ecology can describe the synergism in nature. Ecology is concerned with the interrelationship of organisms and their environment. Everything is related to everything else. It is in the relationship that functional powers are maximized, that balance is maintained, that health and well-being is enjoyed. If any part of the ecological whole is disrupted or destroyed, it adversely affects all the other parts and the whole. In fact, the whole is changed, altered. Function or effectiveness is in the unity, the interdependence, the teamwork.”

Standard Process supplements (and few other whole food supplements) are designed to nourish the body to give these cells what is missing in the diet.

Most diseases begin with a deficiency.  If the thyroid can’t get or utilize iodine, it can’t do it’s job. If there’s no zinc, the body can’t make hydrochloric acid (unfortunately, it takes HCL to break zincdown to an active form), if tissue calcium levels are low, the muscle becomes spastic or rigid – amongst many other things.  There is no such thing as a d-alpha-tocopherol deficiency or an ascorbic acid deficiency or a Tylenol deficiency. What’s more is, we really don’t even know all the nutrients there are or their functions in the body.